Intended Parent Resources

Make a Family with a Surrogacy Agency in Los Angeles, California

As the top surrogacy agency in Los Angeles, California, Global Surrogacy Services helps intended parents locally and worldwide make new families. More importantly, they help make new happy families. Whichever path you take in your journey towards building a family, we advise intended parents to use a highly recommended surrogacy agency. Handling the matter on your own can lead to severe issues.

Screening Surrogates: What Intended Parents Should Know

If you’re an intended parent considering gestational surrogacy, you’re likely wondering just who you can trust with the responsibility of bringing your child into the world. In some relatively rare cases, there may be a close friend or family member who has volunteered to bear the child as an act of love and friendship. Even then, however, you will still need to make certain the volunteer is physically and mentally capable of performing this enormously meaningful task.

Breast Milk vs. Formula: What are Intended Parents’ Options?

As a new IP (intended parent), you may tend to assume that baby formula will be your only option for feeding your baby-to-be but the truth is that you have a few choices.

Experts all agree that the decision about which path or combination of paths to take is best left to the personal feelings of the intended parents in consultation with their physicians. Even so, it’s important to learn the basics of what’s available before making up your mind.

Areas of Special Concern for LGBT Intended Parents

The LGBT community has made great strides in recent decades. Areas of life that were once off-limits to same-sex couples and others, including marriage, are now commonly accepted and lawfully established in the United States. Even so, LGBT intended parents may face additional hurdles.

How Close Should Intended Parents be with their Gestational Surrogates?

There is no one right answer to this question. The amount of closeness will depend entirely on the needs of both intended parents and their surrogates. If you’re starting to think , it’s a good idea to think about what level of closeness you will want with a surrogate early in your surrogacy journey.

Gestational Surrogacy and IVF Q&A for Intended Parents
How Long Has IVF Been Around?

The first successful instance of a birth that began with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) was in 1978 in the United Kingdom. The first gestational surrogacies, where the fertilized egg is implanted and the baby is not genetically related to the birth mother, occurred during the mid-1980s. In the many decades since, the process has been improved and fine-tuned. Yesterday’s “test-tube babies” are now happy and healthy children and adults living around the world whose lives began with the help of some of the world’s finest doctors and scientists.

Legal Support for Intended Parents

When intended parents decide to explore gestational surrogacy, legal matters are never the first thing on their minds. However, ensuring that all legal bases are covered is an essential part of the process.

Will We Need to Hire a Lawyer?

Yes. The law mandates that both intended parents and gestational surrogates obtain separate legal representation. While paralegals and other professionals can provide outstanding support, it will be necessary to include an attorney in the process. Just as an obstetrician will be needed to oversee the healthcare team involved in the IVF process, you will need a good lawyer to assure that your rights as a parent are secured.