Gestational Surrogacy and IVF Q&A for Intended Parents

How Long Has IVF Been Around?

The first successful instance of a birth that began with in-vitro fertilization (IVF) was in 1978 in the United Kingdom. The first gestational surrogacies, where the fertilized egg is implanted and the baby is not genetically related to the birth mother, occurred during the mid-1980s. In the many decades since, the process has been improved and fine-tuned. Yesterday’s “test-tube babies” are now happy and healthy children and adults living around the world whose lives began with the help of some of the world’s finest doctors and scientists.

Countless refinements have been made over the decades and the IVF process has never been more effective or safer for birth mothers and children. Improvements not only in terms of science and medical technology but in terms of making the legal process easier and more certain have progressively eased the entire process.

What Types of Surrogacy are Available?

In what is known as traditional surrogacy, sperm from an intended father or donor fertilizes an egg belonging to the surrogate. This is done either through IVF, in which the sperm fertilizes the surrogate’s eggs at a medical facility or through the older process of artificial insemination, in which the sperm is injected directly into the reproductive system. This means that the surrogate will also be the genetic mother of the child. A traditional surrogate is usually a family member or close friend and the same may be true for sperm donors.

Gestational surrogacy has become the dominant type of assisted reproduction because it allows intended parents to have children of their own. With gestational surrogacy, both the egg and the sperm can come from either the intended parent(s) or donors so the surrogate will not be genetically related to the child. The IVF (in vitro fertilization) process is used to produce embryos, which are then implanted in the surrogate.

How Does the IVF Process Work?

Typically, the intended mother or a donor is given medication to induce the production of multiple eggs, which are then taken from the ovaries. In other cases, eggs may be obtained through an egg bank. Then sperm from a donor or an intended father is used to fertilize the eggs. Next, the embryo is implanted in the gestational surrogate, who will carry the child to term.

Where Do Donated Eggs and Sperm Come From?

Both sperm and egg donations can be obtained through reputable egg and sperm banks. Donors may also be relatives or friends as preferred by the intended parents.

Who Qualifies to be an Intended Parent?

Anyone of any gender, background, or orientation, who genuinely wants to have children of their own but cannot do so in the traditional manner may qualify to be an intended parent. This includes both heterosexual cisgender couples where one or both partners may have fertility issues as well as LGBTQ and single people.

There are, however, some vital criteria. Specifically, intended parents must be adults who are financially secure and living in a stable situation and who can pass a criminal background check. Of course, they must also be ready, able, and enthusiastic when it comes to taking on the challenges of parenthood, and it’s essential to be respectful of surrogates at all times.

Get Started on the Path to Gestational Surrogacy.

People who are ready to take the big step of becoming parents via gestational surrogacy can learn more about the process by filling out the form on our page on how to become an intended parent. They may also call Global Surrogacy Services at the number on this page and set up a free initial consultation.

Global Surrogacy Services’ knowledgeable and understanding specialists are ready to help. You can start by calling the number above or visiting our contact page.