Pregnancy and Mental Health: What Surrogates Should Know

It’s common knowledge that pregnancy puts mothers-to-be on an emotional roller-coaster with very marked highs and lows and, of course, good physicians are very much on the lookout for signs of depression, anxiety, and other common mood disorders at all stages of a pregnancy. Moreover, since all surrogates must have given birth successfully in the past, if you are going to become a gestational surrogate, you have already gone through the process without major difficulties.

Nevertheless, no two pregnancies are completely alike, even for the same mother So, it’s good to be aware, or just reminded, of all the possible concerns a gestational surrogate might be confronted with.

During the Pregnancy

It’s extremely important for your health and that of the baby that any significant mental health issues are either avoided entirely or quickly handled. You may feel confident because of smooth pregnancies in the past – and that’s good. However, while the past is nearly always the best predictor of the future, it’s not a guarantee of good mental health throughout a pregnancy journey. That’s why it’s essential to give your agency complete information about your medical and psychiatric history.

You’re probably all too aware that, once you become pregnant, your body will be flooded with an assortment of powerful hormones. In many cases, this can cause a kind of high or the happy “glow†we often associate with people who are expecting, but those same hormones can also sometimes trigger problems such as depression and anxiety. In also been known to trigger eating disorders, so it’s important to be honest if you have any in your medical history.

Once you are pregnant the most important thing is to let your doctor know right away if you are dealing with persistent problems. While every pregnancy is a mix of happiness and heartache, you deserve to have a rewarding and positive experience.

After the Pregnancy

Of course, once the baby is born, you’re far from out of the woods regarding your mental health. Moreover, if you are still providing milk for the new baby, serious mental health issues could also have an impact on their health.

Post-partum depression is by far the best-known and most common mental health issue associated with pregnancy. It’s important to understand, however, that most mothers – perhaps as many as 80 percent – experience the mildest form of the issue, typically referred to as the baby blues, which can come on just days after giving birth.

While mood swings and some degree of sadness are to be expected, they should not last more than two weeks. If such symptoms as a lack of interest in your favorite activities, an inability to experience pleasure, and ever-present sad or anxious thoughts are hampering your quality of life, it’s important to let your medical team know immediately.

People who have not previously obtained treatment for issues like depression and anxiety may be reluctant to make the first phone call because of stigma, but there’s no reason to suffer any longer than necessary. Depression and anxiety can quickly become serious health problems as well as being emotionally painful. Effective help is out there.

Guarantee Optimal Health Care by Working with an Agency

Independent arrangements for surrogacy can leave the gestational surrogate vulnerable to many issues. Working through a reputable agency like Global Surrogacy Services, however, guarantees that you will receive optimal health care before, during, and after the pregnancy. As one of the nation’s leading agencies, we are committed to providing the very best in surrogacy health and compensation.

If you are seriously considering becoming a surrogate, please fill out the form on this page to begin the gestational surrogacy screening process. You can also call us at the phone number on your screen or visit our surrogate mother requirements.

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