Make a Family with a Surrogacy Agency in Los Angeles, California

As the top surrogacy agency in Los Angeles, California, Global Surrogacy Services helps intended parents locally and worldwide make new families. More importantly, they help make new happy families. Whichever path you take in your journey towards building a family, we advise intended parents to use a highly recommended surrogacy agency. Handling the matter on your own can lead to severe issues.

The Case Against the DIY Approach to Making a Family with Surrogacy

It may be possible for intended parents (or IPs) and prospective gestational surrogates to arrange a successful surrogacy arrangement if they are medically and legally savvy, have plenty of time to devote to the matter, have known each other for many years, and have developed a deep bond of trust. Otherwise, it is seldom a good idea.

Even IPs who are sure they are up to the task before starting frequently find themselves overwhelmed. Trying to navigate all of this on your own can take a huge amount of time. IPs start to feel as if they need to decide between their careers and making their families. You’re the expert when it comes to your job and agencies like Global Surrogacy Services are the experts at helping people build happy families. Sometimes things work best if everyone sticks to their areas of expertise.

Making Families with a Top Surrogacy Agency in Los Angeles California

Some intended parents are lucky enough that a close friend or family member has offered to become a surrogate for them. It’s hard to think of a more sincere and selfless act of love, but wonderful intentions alone are not enough to avoid serious problems. It is crucial to ensure that all parties are physically and psychologically up to the task of carrying someone else’s child to term. At the very least, it’s essential to do a great deal of research and have medical and psychological support.

In most situations, however, there are no appropriate volunteers for the role of a gestational surrogate. We don’t have to tell you that making such arrangements with people you don’t know well is risky. Even using well-intentioned people who are not properly vetted can lead to disaster.

Agencies like Global Surrogacy Services actively recruit and carefully screen all prospective surrogates. As you can see on our surrogate mother requirements page, we have a long list of musts. These include that the prospective surrogate be 21 to 38, have a BMI (body mass index) of no more than 30, and must have had children in the past without complication. They also must have at least one child with them at home, no history of arrests, and they must be living a healthy lifestyle in a safe environment – that includes having no smokers in the home.

When someone applies to be a surrogate, we begin a long process of gathering and verifying information. Later, we match the prospective surrogates with IPs. Depending on whether parents want to stay in touch with their surrogate or want to have an arm’s-length relationship after their children are born, it’s our job to match them with surrogates who are fully on board with their wishes.

It’s one thing for IPs to have a good feeling about a surrogate-to-be, but only an agency allows both the parents and surrogates to “trust but verify.â€

Making Families with the Right Medical Support

Gestational surrogacy is a miracle of modern medicine that began in the 1960s. While the process has become increasingly effective and safe, it remains complex and delicate. Having the best possible medical team involved is a must to ensure a safe and smooth experience for both the baby and the surrogate.

From the earliest stages of the process, when a fertilized egg becomes an embryo and doctors transfer it to the womb of the surrogate, numerous measures need to be taken. This means that highly skilled and experienced IVF (in vitro fertilization) specialists are needed as well as a first-rate OB/GYN team. Even after the baby is born, both the child and the surrogate must be cared for to ensure a smooth, trouble-free process.

Finding the best possible medical team for gestational surrogacy becomes a great deal easier when a highly recommended agency like Global Surrogacy Services.

Legal Hurdles to Building Families with Surrogacy

Many IPs worry about the possibility of legal issues once the baby is born. The best surrogacy agencies minimize these concerns. As experts in our field, we’ve learned how best to work with family lawyers and other legal professionals to ensure clear and binding legal agreements that help all parties fully understand their roles and responsibilities. Good legal support helps all parties because it protects the rights of all involved: intended parents, gestational surrogates, and, most importantly, children.

Start Building Your Family Now with the Best Surrogacy Agency in Los Angeles

Intended parents need to do a lot of serious thinking before embarking on a surrogacy journey. Building a family requires love, but that love is expressed in many ways, including taking the time to ensure that offspring enter the world in the most responsible manner possible.

If you are serious about becoming a parent, we hope you contact the best surrogacy agency in Los Angeles, California. As our name, Global Surrogacy Services, suggests, we work with IPs worldwide. Wherever you live, we are here to help you get on the path to building your family in the best way possible for your family and your peace of mind.

Please call us at the number on your screen or visit our page on how to become an intended parent.

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