Anderson Cooper Thanks Surrogates Everywhere

Famed CNN anchor Anderson Cooper gave the media world a pleasant surprise recently when he announced that he was given the greatest gift of all through gestational surrogacy.

Cooper announced the birth of his son, Wyatt Morgan, on April 30th, posting the big announcement on his Instagram page. The CNN anchor wrote that, growing up gay, he had assumed he would never have a child, adding extra meaning to his special moment. Cooper also included a heartfelt note of gratitude to his surrogate and to all surrogates everywhere who have helped him and countless others who are unable to have children of their own through traditional means.

At Global Surrogacy Services LLC., we understand how meaningful having a child is and our surrogates understand how wonderful and fulfilling it feels to help others achieve that goal. Gestational surrogacy allows individuals from all areas of life to turn their dreams into reality whatever obstacles they may be facing.

Of course, CNN host Cooper is just the latest in a series of celebrities, LGBTQ and heterosexual, who have benefitted from surrogacy. From Elton John to the Kardashian-West clan to Bravo’s Andy Cohen, who had his first child via surrogate in 2019 in California. New Yorker Cohen, a close friend of Anderson Cooper, has since been active in getting paid surrogacy legalized in the state of New York. A big win for New Yorkers on any side of the surrogacy equation.

At Global Surrogacy Services LLC., while we are delighted for Mr. Cooper, we want to remind readers that, while celebrities might be helping to lead the way for the rest of us, you don’t have to be famous or ultra-wealthy to benefit from today’s best options for intended parents.  And, while not every woman is cut out to be a surrogate, people who want to become surrogates have nothing to lose by starting the process.

For more information about becoming a surrogate or if you are an intended parent, get in touch with us at the number on this page or reach out to us through our contact page.

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